As for the coming Aidilfitri, we're offering 7 types of cookies for you to choose at an unbelievable price. Rest assured the taste is unquestionable. ", These include:
1. Chocolate chip cookies : RM20/50pcs
2. Chocolate bar cookies : RM20/50pcs
3. Almond London : RM20/50pcs
4. Nestum Flake cookies: RM20/50pcs5. Crunchy Almond cookies: RM20/50pcs6. Pineapple tart: RM20/50pcs
7. Sugee: RM17/50pcs 
On top of that, we have kek kukus for you to savor on pagi raya!
1. 1kg kek kukus mix fruit: RM30 (plastic wrap)/RM35 (tupperware)
2. 1kg kek kukus blackcurrant: RM35 (tupperware)
btw, cookies are not for hari raya only, you can have it for CNY, deepavali, raya haji, Xmas, hari guru, hari pekerja etc. Just drop by to our cakehouse for some bite!